Commercial trucks are large vehicles used in the course of a business to transport products or goods. We have all seen these trucks on the highways or roadways in Massachusetts. They are the tractor trailers, eighteen-wheelers, delivery trucks (i.e., FedEx, UPS, etc…) or other commercial constructions trucks like dump trucks, cement mixers and the like. Most of the commercial trucks require a special license known as a CDL (commercial driver’s license) to operate these large trucks. Some businesses even have pickup trucks registered as commercial trucks.
These vehicles are extremely large and commercial trucking accidents cause catastrofic and potentially fatal crashes. They usually carry a different insurance policy for bodily injury and property damage. The commercial insurance policies generally offer more coverage because of the danger and risk of serious injury in the event of a commercial truck crash.
Do You Have Other Questions About A Trucking Accident?
Mahaney & Pappas, LLP specializes in representing accident victims, including those injured in truck accidents. Our mission is to get the maximum financial compensation for our clients for the injuries, damages and losses they suffered. If you or someone you know has been injured in a truck accident, please contact us online or call (508) 879-3500 for a free meeting to discuss your claim.