Settlement in Massachusetts Injury CaseA woman received $425,000 for injuries she suffered when she was struck by a delivery vehicle in Westwood, Massachusetts. Thorough investigation and litigation strategies by experienced Massachusetts personal injury attorney, Chuck Pappas, lead to this very successful result for this client.

Overview of the Accident

In 2023, our client was walking into a fitness center in Westwood, Massachusetts. While she was walking in the crosswalk, a delivery vehicle carelessly backed up and struck our client. When the vehicle hit this woman, it ran over her right foot and knocked her to the ground. A witness called 911 immediately and the local police and an ambulance responded.

Summary of Our Client’s Injuries

Pedestrian versus motor vehicle accidents typically result in severe injuries for obvious reasons. This case was no different. Our client suffered a fractured pelvis and fractures in her foot. Specifically, it was a fracture in the pubic ramus, which is one of the bones in the lower pelvis. The fractures in her foot were to the bones known as the metatarsal bones (the bones in the forefoot).

These were very serious injuries.  Although the fractures did not require surgery, they caused our client significant pain, suffering, and limitations. Her daily routines and activities were greatly impacted by her immobility and pain.

She also incurred a substantial amount of medical bills for the treatment she needed. She had numerous diagnostic tests, such as MRIs and CT scans and underwent months of therapy. While she did make a very good recovery from her injuries, she did continue to suffer pain and weakness in her foot for quite a while.

The Legal Action Necessary for a Successful Result

The delivery driver that hit our client stayed at the accident scene and was identified by the police. However, this delivery driver was using his own personal vehicle to make deliveries. He would not reveal the delivery company he worked for. The problem with this issue was that the delivery driver’s personal auto insurance policy has minimal coverage for bodily injuries caused to others. Therefore, it was imperative to identify the commercial delivery company that he worked for.

Attorney Pappas took immediate action and began his investigations into this matter. Additionally, a personal injury lawsuit was filed in the Massachusetts Superior Court. Following diligent and thorough investigation and systematic litigation, the commercial delivery company was finally identified. This was crucial to securing fair compensation for our client as commercial liability policies generally carry much greater bodily injury coverage than personal auto insurance policies.

Additionally, Attorney Pappas employed the use of a medical expert to opine as to our client’s injuries, the causal relationship to the accident, and the long-term impairment and need for future treatment. This played an essential role in establishing the legal damages our client suffered in order to obtain the compensation our client deserved for her injuries and damages. Furthermore, having a close relationship with his client, Attorney Pappas was able to relay the personal impact these injuries had on our client’s life to highlight her pain, suffering, and the impact this accident had on her personal life.

In the end, Attorney Pappas was able to negotiate a very favorable settlement of $425,000 for our client. Our client was thrilled with the settlement and the legal efforts put forth to get her the financial compensation she deserved. We were very pleased to have been able to help our client and to know that she was extremely happy with our hard work.
